Message from the President

Esteemed shareholders and stakeholders,


I am honored to address you as the President & CEO of RaQualia Pharma, Inc. I would like to express our sincere gratitude for your continued support of our endeavors.


As the global landscape evolves, so too does the pharmaceutical industry. While there is a growing demand for innovative medicines to address diverse medical needs, the industry faces challenges such as price regulations and intensifying global competition. In this challenging environment, the role of innovative biotech companies like ours has become even more critical.

In 2025, we remain committed to our mission, "we brighten people's lives through the power of innovation," and will continue to focus on growing our business and increasing profitability. Our strategic priorities include strengthening our drug discovery value chain, expanding and optimizing our pipeline, and enhancing our business performance.


Our ultimate goal is to deliver innovative treatments to patients as quickly as possible and to contribute to society. We are dedicated to fulfilling the expectations of our shareholders, investors, and, most importantly, our patients.


We appreciate your continued support.



President and CEO

Masaki Sudo