Ghrelin Receptor Agonist

Generic Name



ENTYCE®: Anorexia (dogs)

ELURA®: Management of Weight Loss

with CKD (cats)


Elanco Animal Health, Inc. (U.S.)

ENTYCE® and ELURA® are drugs for companion animals developed with capromorelin, a ghrelin receptor agonist, as the active pharmaceutical ingredient whose rights were transferred from Pfizer Inc. when RaQualia Pharma was established. It was developed by the licensee Aratana Pharmaceuticals in the U.S. (now Elanco), and ENTYCE® was first approved by the FDA as the only drug for appetite stimulation in dogs, followed by ELURA® for weight loss management in cats with chronic kidney disease.


Loss of appetite in companion animals is a symptom that appears with various diseases, and is an important sign not only of weight loss but also of shorter life expectancy if left untreated.


ENTYCE® and ELURA® are currently marketed in the U.S., and are expected to progress to other regions in the future.